Part two...
40: Jenny Wilson
Like a Fading Rainbow
A pas de deux that she alone inhabits its space, replete with groovy synths and an uncanny vocal workout that is as subtle as it is urgent.
39: Bear in Heaven
Casual Goodbye
Lo and behold the Midwestern delights come caving in with the lo-fi atmospherics run through a grated sound that strums handsomely along.
38: Ola Podrida
Your Father’s Basement
Expands nicely like an adolescent soundtrack to things vaguely remembered but always close at hand.
37: Bachelorette
Her Rotating Head
Life courses through this electronic effort easily, not quite Bjork but sufficient enough.
36: The Sandwitches
Marry Me
A stunning yet totally feminine perspective on a marriage proposal, Marry Me gives insight to what such a process means and, more importantly, what it does not.
35: Solilloquists of Sound
Its multiple vocal female work interrupted ever so slightly by Swamburger is a sublime fit especially the overdubbed parts.
34: Ebony Bones
Smiles and Cyanide
A brittle hip/hop-pop mash up that shines despite its robotic casing.
33: Subburbia
David Duchovny
A grand mess replete with all the trappings of punk behind it. What the band achieves here is the stylistic trick of drag juxtaposed with bleeding guitars. The bass-line pops with a catchy chorus and the most gleeful cheese since the heyday of Sublime.
32: Noisettes
Never Forget You
While we pine for Amy Winehouse, here is the best refrain she’s never expressed on record.
31: The Love Language
Old school heartbreak, 1950s style and it works!
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