The most curious thing happened with my list this year: no one song stood out largely from the others. Don’t get me wrong, I love my top pick dearly but honestly, I could have re-arranged my top seven choices and still happily not cared of the order. Therein proves a point though that it wasn’t a great year for singles but call it post-millennium blues and let’s examine the goods. Here is part one:
50: Blank Dogs
Over and Over
Creepy synths abound on this standout track on an album that explores the darkness of the goth-pop divide. The ghoulish warble that compliments the chorus has acoustic guitars and paranoia.
49: Peter, Bjorn & John
Nothing to Worry About
Apparently leaked by Kanye West , The Swedish group jingles things up fully aware that one can’t go wrong with sped-up children voices in a dance track about white heat.
48: The Fiery Furnaces
Even in the Rain
Lush yet intricate, the Friedberger siblings continue to beat the hell out of complex piano pop.
47: Cass McCombs
My Sister, My Spouse
A dreamy, psychedelic wonder that cannot mask its disturbing subject but the yearning in McCombs’ voice is enough to stop you dead in your tracks.
46: Handsome Furs
No word on who the title references but the husband/wife duo cull the hell from Interpol’s detached pop style and deliver the goods.
45: Tune-Yards
Immediately breaks out Merril Garber’s intent... inherently a mixture of metallic beats and an uncanny trip/hop vibe.
44: Chester Francis
The Jimmy Choos
It’s like having the Devil wears Prada soundtrack in your head.
43: Mos Def
Quiet Dog Bite Hard
A slow-burn hip/hop joint that proves Def hasn’t lost his witty skill.
42: St. Vincent
Actor out of Work
Just last night I saw Meryl Streep in Postcards from the Edge for the first time and this was the song I imagined would have been the perfect soundtrack. Go figure.
41: Sergeant Buzfuz
Rebellion with Flies
A nasal look at British popular culture but the clever lyrics are universal and hold up the inevitable passage of time as a truth no one, not the Queen, not Mick Jagger—as referenced—can avoid.
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