Friday, December 4, 2020

2020: Top 10 Most Disappointing Albums...


Another year, another 10 albums that should have been in consideration for my best albums list but they all f@$*@d it up. Here we go...:

1. Eminem Music To Be Murdered By: 

 scattershot and random, Eminem rages on but with diminished returns.


2. Childish Gambino 3.15.20: 

it's commendable when artists experiment but this project bizarrely just never quite meshes.


3. King Krule Man Alive!:  

while experimentation is always welcome, sometimes an artist can dither too much into a singular refrain: Man Alive is Krule’s refrain moment and the quicker he moves on, the better.




4. Caroline Rose Superstar

she's wrapped herself in plastic on the cover...reason enough to earn its spot here.

5. Marika Hackman Covers: 

it's like with fame all the joy in her music from last year just got evaporated.


6. Blu & Exile Miles: 

okay, it's a collab effort but once Blu is involved I expect grade A lyric magic every time.



7. Megan Thee Stallion Good News

by all accounts this was to be Megan's year: #1 hits, two albums, her booty everywhere and yet when Good News dropped it felt just the album title needed a "?" sign at the end or a "it'll get better next time" slogan in fine print.

8. Wolf Parade Thin Mind: 

at this stage I'm not even sure if they're trying anymore or just merely seeing out label obligations.

9. Owen Pallett Island

when it almost goes unnoticed that you have put out an album this year, it's never a good sign.


10. Future Islands As Long As You Are:  

not sure what happened to keep them stuck in reverse but they need to put the pedal to the wheel again and soon.